
TWBlue 2023.4.13 released

Today we have releasing a new version of TWBlue, the software that from now on can only be used to manage Mastodon accounts. As of last week, Twitter has definitively cut off access to its API for most third-party clients, such as TWBlue. From MCV Software we can only regret this situation, and act accordingly, removing the source code from our repositories that was used to communicate with the Twitter API. The development of TWBlue, although without Twitter support, still continues and we are working on improving our support for Mastodon, while exploring other protocols and different sessions to add to TWBlue. Our goal for TWBlue is to become a multi-session, multi-service client so that it will be possible to manage a wide variety of accounts on websites with TWBlue. We will shortly update the website and all project information to reflect these changes in our goals, but in the meantime, here it is, once again, another new version of TWBlue.


During the development of the current TWBlue version, Twitter has cut out access from their API, meaning TWBlue will no longer be able to communicate with Twitter. This is the end of the support of TWBlue for Twitter sessions. No new sessions will be available for this social network, and we will focus in adding more features to our Mastodon support and writing support for more websites and networks. Thank you everyone who have been using TWBlue to manage your Twitter accounts since 2013.

  • TWBlue should be able to display variables within templates (for example, now it is possible to send a template inside a post’s text). Before, it was removing $variables so it was difficult to show how to edit templates from the client. (#515)
  • Mastodon:
    • it is possible to add descriptions for all media available on Mastodon (audio, photos, video and Givs). (#516)
    • TWBlue can now perform OCR in attached images.
    • It is possible to add aliases to mastodon users. Also, the “manage user aliases” setting, located on the application menu within the menu bar can be used to add, edit or remove aliases.
    • Implemented “Hide emojis on usernames” in both GUI and invisible interface.
    • Added an experimental feature to recover from connection errors. When making a post, if the post cannot be published due to any kind of error, TWBlue will bring up the dialog where the post was composed, so you can give the post a second chance or save the post’s text. This feature should work for threads, posts with attachments, polls and replies. (#527, #526, #377 #137 and #108.)
    • When playing media items, TWBlue will prefer remote URL streams and fall back to instance cached stream URL’S.
    • Fixed an error on mentions buffer that was making TWBlue unable to load posts if there were mentions from a blocked or deleted account.
    • Fixed an error when loading timelines during startup where TWBlue was unable to change the buffer title properly.


You can get the latest available version of TWBlue from our download site. You can also perform an automatic update, in case you are already using the application. Due to changes on Twitter, we will officially stop providing support on our old Twitter account, but you can always find us through our Mastodon account, as @[email protected] and you can also report bugs through our issue tracker on GitHub.


TWBlue 2023.2.6 Available

Just 4 days after our last release, we have decided to release TWBlue version 2023.2.6, as we have received reports about some major client issues, which were caused on some Mastodon instances. We hope that after this new version, TWBlue will behave better with those instances and in general will provide fixes on these and some other bugs reported during the weekend. Remember that TWBlue will always be available through the project’s download page, and its source code can be reviewed on GitHub.


This release focuses on fixing some important bugs that have been reported in the previous version. Particularly, TWBlue should be able to authorize on some instances that have blocked the library, and should be able to avoid repeatedly calling some endpoints that cause excessive connections for some instances. Additionally, it is possible to disable Streaming from the account options in Mastodon. This can be especially useful if TWBlue keeps making a lot of API calls for some instances.

  • Fixed the update system.
  • Fixed a bug when attempting to switch between different accounts using the invisible interface, if the focused account is not an active session.
  • Mastodon:
    • Improved the way TWBlue counts characters in Mastodon. Now it counts only the username part in a remote user (@domain is not counted against character limit), adds content warning text to character count, also emojis and CJK characters are counted as 1 as opposed to 2. (#511)
    • Added notification when a user joins an instance. This notification is only available for administrators.
    • Added option to disable Streaming in the account options. This can be useful if TWBlue, for some reason, repeatedly calls the instance API.
    • Improved the code that works with the Streaming API to reduce the number of reconnection attempts TWBlue performs.
    • Fixed media uploads for audio, video and gifvs. (#513)

To download this version, it is now again possible to use the automatic update system. You can also go to the Project download page, If you want to report a bug, you can do so by mentioning the TWBlue account on Mastodon. You can also report bugs through our issue reporting system on GitHub.


TWBlue 2023.2.3 has been released

Note: Due to a bug in our update service, this version cannot be updated automatically. However, you can install this version over a previous one without removing configurations.

Today we are releasing the first TWBlue release of the year, this time with somewhat difficult news for our users. As is known to everyone who uses Twitter, new rules have recently been added to the social network’s developer policies that explicitly prohibit making a third-party client that offers some or all of the same functionality as official Twitter applications. In addition to this change, which would already cause TWBlue to be in breach of Twitter’s rules, free API access has been closed as of February 9, making it impossible to continue to offer Twitter session support for the client. This will be disabled in TWBlue until that day, so you will still be able to use it for a week with Twitter accounts. Remember that TWBlue will always be available through the project’s download page, and its source code can be reviewed on GitHub. If you find the software useful and think it’s worthwhile, consider making a small donation with whatever you can, and help keep the project going. For more information, you can read the TWBlue page.


In this version, TWBlue will no longer support Twitter sessions starting on February 9, due to Twitter’s policies prohibiting third-party clients, in addition to the shutdown of the free access to the Twitter API. All Twitter sessions that are active on TWBlue will stop working as of February 9, when the free API access will finally be shut down. It will not be possible to display or add Twitter sessions from the Session manager. From the TWBlue team, we will continue working to improve our support for Mastodon instances and add other social networks in the near future. If you want to keep in touch with the project, you can follow us in our mastodon account, at @[email protected].

  • In the graphical interface, TWBlue will update menu items, in the menu bar, depending on whether you are focusing a Twitter or Mastodon session. This makes it possible for TWBlue to display the correct terms in each social network. Take into account that there might be unavailable items for the currently active session.
  • in the keystroke editor for the invisible interface, TWBlue displays the available shortcuts for the currently active session. Descriptions of those keystrokes are also different for Twitter and mastodon sessions to use correct terms for both networks.
  • In the invisible interface, TWBlue will skip sessions that have not been started when using the keyboard shortcut to switch between different accounts.
  • Fixed a bug when deleting a session in the session manager dialog. Sessions can now be deleted correctly.
  • Mastodon:
    • Added basic support to notifications buffer. This buffer shows mastodon notifications in real time. Every notification is attached to a kind of object (posts, users, relationships or polls). At the moment, the only supported action for notification is dismissing, which allows you to remove the notification from the buffer (take into account, though, that mention notifications will remove also the mention in its corresponding buffer, due to the way TWBlue reads mentions from mastodon instances).
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing TWBlue to create more than one user timeline during startup.
    • Fixed getting more items in mentions buffer. (#508)
    • TWBlue will display properly new paragraphs in mastodon posts.
    • In the session manager, Mastodon sessions are now displayed including the instance to avoid confusion.
    • TWBlue will now read default visibility preferences when posting new statuses, and display sensitive content. These preferences can be set on the mastodon instance, in the account’s preferences section. If you wish to change TWBlue’s behavior and have it not read those preferences from your instance, but instead set the default public visibility and hide sensitive content, you can uncheck the Read preferences from instance checkbox in the account options.
    • If a mastodon instance is not active or there are errors during login, TWBlue will report it in the log file and will continue with other sessions.
    • When replying to someone in a public post, TWBlue will default to “unlisted” as its visibility setting. This is done so replies will not clutter local and federated timelines. This setting might be changed when writing the reply, though. (#504,)
    • TWBlue uses its own user agent in Mastodon sessions, so it will be easier to identify the client for instance admins.
    • TWBlue will check if the streaming API endpoints are available before attempting to start Streaming for the current session. Before, TWBlue caused load issues in misconfigured mastodon instances where the streaming API were not available.

To download this version, you can go to the Project download page, If you want to report a bug, you can do so by mentioning the TWBlue Mastodon account. You can also report bugs through our GitHub issue reporting system.


TWBlue Version 2022.12.13 Released

Today we are releasing TWBlue version 2022.12.13, with news regarding our support for windows 7 users. After receiving many requests from users of the application who were left without support after our last versions, we have decided to restore support for Windows 7 in a special version of TWBlue, which will always be built in portable format, for 32-bit systems only. However, this version will not be upgraded automatically. Windows 7 users will be alerted when new versions are available, but will be instructed to get the version manually from the TWBlue website. These versions will continue to exist as long as it is possible to build TWBlue with Python 3.7 for Windows 7. Remember that TWBlue will always be available via the project’s download page, and its source code can be reviewed on GitHub. If you find the software useful and think it’s worthwhile, consider making a small donation with what you can, and help keep the project going. For more information, you can read the TWBlue page.


  • Per popular request, We will generate a 32-bit portable version of TWBlue available for Windows 7 operating systems. This version will not be supported in our automatic updater, so in case of using such version, you would need to download it manually every time there is a new update. TWBlue will continue to be available for Windows 7 as long as it is possible to build it using Python 3.7.
  • Fixed a couple of bugs that were making TWBlue unable to be opened in some computers, related to our translator module and some COM objects handled incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue that was making TWBlue unable to open in certain computers due to errors related to Win32 API’S.
  • Twitter:
    • Fixed a bug that was making sent direct messages to be placed in received direct messages buffer.
    • When quoting a tweet, you can use all 280 characters to send your quoted tweet, as opposed to the 256 characters TWBlue allowed before.
    • Fixed a bug that was making TWBlue unable to reply to direct messages by using the “reply” keystroke.
  • Mastodon:
    • Added account settings dialog.
    • Added template editing functionality for mastodon accounts.
    • When a post is edited, TWBlue will update the post object in the buffer to reflect the latest edit.
    • Fixed a small issue that was preventing TWBlue to display some posts in their corresponding dialog.

For Downloading this version, you can go to the project download page, or perform the update automatically in case you are already using an earlier version of the application. If you want to report a bug, you can do so by mentioning the official TWBlue Twitter account. You can also report bugs through our issue reporting site on GitHub.


TWBlue 2022.12.6 released

We have received some reports from TWBlue users, from different parts of the world (mainly in America), where the application has stopped working completely. After a brief investigation, we have come to the conclusion that this problem has been caused by a bug in the call to one of the Twitter API methods, which does not happen everywhere in the world, but we have been able to fix it in a version that we are releasing today. This release contains all the new features added in testing with Mastodon, plus some important bug fixes both in Mastodon support and the fix that makes it possible to use Twitter in TWBlue again. This version is safe to use, as it has been tested and most of the reported bugs have been fixed. We expect to release successive versions with more new features and fixes very soon. If you find the software useful and think it is worthwhile, please consider making a small donation of whatever you can, and help keep the project going. For more information, you can read the TWBlue website


Most of all changes in this release are focused on adding Mastodon support to TWBlue. The features present to handle Twitter should not have been altered in any way. We were not intended to release this version so soon, but unfortunately, Twitter started to present issues in some regions with one particular API endpoint we were using, making impossible for everyone in such regions to use the application. We will release more updates to fix any possible issue regarding Twitter API, but please take into account that this is sometimes an issue happening in Twitter’s servers and while we do our best to make TWBlue work despite those problems, you might encounter glitches from time to time.

  • TWBlue now builds with Python 3.10.8.
    • This change also drops support for Windows 7.
  • The TWBlue interface has not been translated yet, as we are releasing this update to fix an important Twitter issue for some regions.
  • Twitter sessions should be able to be opened properly again in TWBlue, in regions where it didn’t work since last week.
  • It is now possible to log in to instances of mastodon, hometown and similar software (Pleroma should work as well, although it has not been tested at this time). From the session manager, clicking on the “new account” button will bring up a menu from which you can select whether you want to log in to Twitter or Mastodon. For instances that have a different character limit than the one set by Mastodon, TWBlue will detect the new limit and adjust the dialogs to allow you to use it correctly.
  • Most of the TWBlue GUI has been adapted so that the buffers reflect the change of social network (in mastodon, for example, the buttons to write posts say post instead of tweet). However, the menu bar has not yet been updated. This means that most of the options still refer to Twitter, although they can be used with mastodon accounts. For example, if you select the “tweet” menu in the menu bar, and then select the “Retweet” option, TWBlue will actually do a “boost” if the buffer you are in is a Mastodon account buffer.
  • Keystrokes for the invisible interface also refer to terms used in Twitter, but can be applied to Mastodon as well.
  • There are some features, within TWBlue, that are not yet compatible with mastodon accounts. These are as follows:
    • User autocompletion.
    • Currently, it is not possible to update account settings for mastodon sessions. However, if you know how to edit configuration files, you can close TWBlue, change your session file with any text editor and restart the application to update what you want.
    • The template editor is not yet available for mastodon accounts.
    • Filters have not yet been implemented in TWBlue mastodon support.
    • User aliases are not implemented yet.
    • It is not possible to view a user’s profile, nor edit your own, for now. However, you can use the keystroke to open the item in the browser when focusing a user to access their profile website. This only works in buffers where users are listed.
    • You cannot manage lists in TWBlue at the moment.
  • Most of the buffers planned for mastodon should just work. Among those currently tested are: home (main timeline for the logged-in user), Local (public posts for the instance), federated (public posts for all federating instances), mentions, direct messages, sent posts, favorites, bookmarks, followers, following, blocked users, muted users, user searches and timelines for users.
    • The difference between favorites and bookmarks is that the author of the post can see who has marked his posts as favorites, but bookmarks are completely private. In any buffer containing mastodon posts, except direct messages, the GUI will display an option to add the post to favorites or bookmarks.
    • Direct messages in mastodon are posts, exactly like normal posts, but with their privacy setting set so that they can only be seen by the accounts that are mentioned. In the direct message buffer, a conversation will appear for each item in the buffer. The conversation represents a thread of messages, but TWBlue can only display the last of the messages sent. This is similar to what happens on platforms like Telegram, where you can only see the list of conversations at the beginning. To see the entire thread of direct messages present in a conversation, you can use the command to open the conversation, or go to the “tweet” menu in the menu bar, and then towards the “view conversation” option. This will create a new conversation buffer that will be located just after the direct messages buffer (for the GUI, the buffer will be located just inside the direct messages buffer in the buffer tree). When a private post appears (whose visibility only allows the mentioned accounts to see it), TWBlue will display that post in the home buffer, in mentions and also will update/create the conversation with that item. This is because Mastodon does not differentiate between a private message and a normal post. You can reply to the post in any buffer to continue the conversation. If you reply to any post, the privacy set in the original post is maintained by default, but can also be changed.
    • The buffer showing the federated timeline has been disabled from settings. This is because on servers that federate with many instances it can load many posts in a very short time. To enable this buffer, for now, edit the TWBlue configuration while the application is closed, and add the “federated” buffer in the option called “buffer_order”. As soon as buffers can be shown or hidden, this process can be done through the GUI.
    • There is a Streaming API that allows the elements for the start buffers, mentions, direct messages, sent posts and followers to appear in real time. This feature is implemented by default and should also just work.
    • Timelines for users only allow to get all posts from users who are in the same instance. For users belonging to other instances, you can get the posts that have been downloaded to your instance since your instance “knows” the remote user.
    • Timelines for followers and following can be fully retrieved only for users belonging to the same instance. Remote users may yield unclear results.
    • You can search by users (by opening a search and selecting the “users” radio button). The search can be done by local users, such as twblue, or by remote users, such as @[email protected].
  • In all buffers, a maximum of 40 items are retrieved per load, but more can be retrieved by using the option to load more items in the buffer.
  • In post buffers, you can do most of the actions already supported in TWBlue (boost, add/remove from favorites or bookmarks, reply, send message to user, open post URL, play audio or video, open post on web, view conversation, open action dialog for user).
  • In user buffers, you can send private message to the user, and open user actions dialog, which in turn allows you to follow/unfollow, block/unblock and mute/unmute.
  • When writing posts, it is possible to attach up to 4 images, 4 givs, or even a video, poll, or audio. It is also possible to add the “sensitive content” tag to posts, change privacy and write a content warning text. It is possible to create threads using the “add post” button.
  • When replying to a post, TWBlue will place the username of all participants in the item you reply to. The privacy options will default to those of the original post.

To download the software, you can directly access the project download page or update automatically in case you are already using a version of the application. If you wish to report bugs, you can do so by mentioning the Twitter or Mastodon official TWBlue accounts. You can also report bugs through our GitHub bug reporting site.


Test support for mastodon in TWBlue

Note: This article is about some software features in early development phase. It is not recommended for inexperienced users.

Today, here at MCV software, we have decided to release a preliminary version of TWBlue. Since October, we have intensified our efforts to make TWBlue an application capable of interacting with sessions for multiple services, being Mastodon our first additional social network. If you wish to follow the progress of this development, a pull Request is available on GitHub, where you can check the planned and currently implemented features. Since a considerable number of users have shown interest in early testing of Mastodon support, we have decided to release a version with these changes.

It is important that before downloading the release, please note that it contains code in early development. This code is experimental and it is possible that some features may not work properly, or even that due to the large number of changes that have been made to the application, some Twitter functions may have introduced new bugs. If that is the case, please report any bugs you find to the official accounts @tw_blue2 on Twitter, or @[email protected] on Mastodon.

This set of new features, as well as the rest of the code that currently exists in TWBlue, is available for anyone to check out, largely thanks to the donations people make to help keep the project running. If you think the project is worthwhile, keep in mind that you can always donate whatever you can via payPal. Thanks in advance!

This is the list of what’s new in the TWBlue version that includes support for mastodon instances. It is important to note that this release has been generated from source code that has not yet been merged into the main branch of the project. This means that the support for mastodon may still have significant changes and may contain several bugs. It is also possible that some features, which we plan to introduce in the near future, are not yet available. The idea of this release is to make it available for testing for anyone who wants to test it, and report unintentional bugs (there is a list of things we haven’t implemented yet, which we will also leave in these notes).

Mastodon support

All changes in this release are focused on adding Mastodon support to TWBlue. The features present to handle Twitter should not have been altered in any way.

  • As this is code that may still have many changes, the TWBlue interface has not yet been translated.
  • It is now possible to log in to instances of mastodon, hometown and similar software (Pleroma should work as well, although it has not been tested at this time). From the session manager, clicking on the “new account” button will bring up a menu from which you can select whether you want to log in to Twitter or Mastodon. For instances that have a different character limit than the one set by Mastodon, TWBlue will detect the new limit and adjust the dialogs to allow you to use it correctly.
  • Most of the TWBlue GUI has been adapted so that the buffers reflect the change of social network (in mastodon, for example, the buttons to write posts say post instead of tweet). However, the menu bar has not yet been updated. This means that most of the options still refer to Twitter, although they can be used with mastodon accounts. For example, if you select the “tweet” menu in the menu bar, and then select the “Retweet” option, TWBlue will actually do a “boost” if the buffer you are in is a Mastodon account buffer.
  • Keystrokes for the invisible interface also refer to terms used in Twitter, but can be applied to Mastodon as well.
  • There are some features, within TWBlue, that are not yet compatible with mastodon accounts. These are as follows:
    • User autocompletion.
    • Currently, it is not possible to update account settings for mastodon sessions. However, if you know how to edit configuration files, you can close TWBlue, change your session file with any text editor and restart the application to update what you want.
    • The template editor is not yet available for mastodon accounts.
    • Filters have not yet been implemented in TWBlue mastodon support.
    • User aliases are not implemented yet.
    • It is not possible to view a user’s profile, nor edit your own, for now. However, you can use the keystroke to open the item in the browser when focusing a user to access their profile website. This only works in buffers where users are listed.
    • You cannot manage lists in TWBlue at the moment.
  • Most of the buffers planned for mastodon should just work. Among those currently tested are: home (main timeline for the logged-in user), Local (public posts for the instance), federated (public posts for all federating instances), mentions, direct messages, sent posts, favorites, bookmarks, followers, following, blocked users, muted users, user searches and timelines for users.
    • The difference between favorites and bookmarks is that the author of the post can see who has marked his posts as favorites, but bookmarks are completely private. In any buffer containing mastodon posts, except direct messages, the GUI will display an option to add the post to favorites or bookmarks.
    • Direct messages in mastodon are posts, exactly like normal posts, but with their privacy setting set so that they can only be seen by the accounts that are mentioned. In the direct message buffer, a conversation will appear for each item in the buffer. The conversation represents a thread of messages, but TWBlue can only display the last of the messages sent. This is similar to what happens on platforms like Telegram, where you can only see the list of conversations at the beginning. To see the entire thread of direct messages present in a conversation, you can use the command to open the conversation, or go to the “tweet” menu in the menu bar, and then towards the “view conversation” option. This will create a new conversation buffer that will be located just after the direct messages buffer (for the GUI, the buffer will be located just inside the direct messages buffer in the buffer tree). When a private post appears (whose visibility only allows the mentioned accounts to see it), TWBlue will display that post in the home buffer, in mentions and also will update/create the conversation with that item. This is because Mastodon does not differentiate between a private message and a normal post. You can reply to the post in any buffer to continue the conversation. If you reply to any post, the privacy set in the original post is maintained by default, but can also be changed.
    • The buffer showing the federated timeline has been disabled from settings. This is because on servers that federate with many instances it can load many posts in a very short time. To enable this buffer, for now, edit the TWBlue configuration while the application is closed, and add the “federated” buffer in the option called “buffer_order”. As soon as buffers can be shown or hidden, this process can be done through the GUI.
    • There is a Streaming API that allows the elements for the start buffers, mentions, direct messages, sent posts and followers to appear in real time. This feature is implemented by default and should also just work.
    • Timelines for users only allow to get all posts from users who are in the same instance. For users belonging to other instances, you can get the posts that have been downloaded to your instance since your instance “knows” the remote user.
    • Timelines for followers and following can be fully retrieved only for users belonging to the same instance. Remote users may yield unclear results.
    • You can search by users (by opening a search and selecting the “users” radio button). The search can be done by local users, such as twblue, or by remote users, such as @[email protected].
  • In all buffers, a maximum of 40 items are retrieved per load, but more can be retrieved by using the option to load more items in the buffer.
  • In post buffers, you can do most of the actions already supported in TWBlue (boost, add/remove from favorites or bookmarks, reply, send message to user, open post URL, play audio or video, open post on web, view conversation, open action dialog for user).
  • In user buffers, you can send private message to the user, and open user actions dialog, which in turn allows you to follow/unfollow, block/unblock and mute/unmute.
  • When writing posts, it is possible to attach up to 4 images, 4 givs, or even a video, poll, or audio. It is also possible to add the “sensitive content” tag to posts, change privacy and write a content warning text. It is possible to create threads using the “add post” button.
  • When replying to a post, TWBlue will place the username of all participants in the item you reply to. The privacy options will default to those of the original post.


Currently, we have released this preview version only in 64-bit, portable version. This version will not receive automatic updates, as it is not part of our regular development cycle. The recommendation is to use this version until the code is merged into the main branch, and once that is done, receive the update in our regular version (at this moment it is 2022.8.28).

Download TWBlue with support for Mastodon

Reporting bugs

In case of unexpected errors, please use our issue reporting form, or our social media accounts to report them: @tw_blue2 on Twitter or @[email protected] on Mastodon.


TWBlue Version 2022.8.28 has been released

Today, after several delays due to different situations, we are pleased to announce a new version of TWBlue. This version is one of the last ones that will be compatible with Windows 7. We hope to release a couple of versions that will continue to be compatible with this operating system, but by the end of September, any version of TWBlue released will no longer be compatible with Windows 7 and earlier. Remember that TWBlue will always be available via the project’s download page, and its source code can be reviewed on both GitLab and GitHub. If you find the software useful and think it’s worthwhile, consider making a small donation with what you can, and help keep the project going. For more information, you can read the TWBlue page.


Highlights in this version include the ability to populate the user autocomplete database from the account options dialog, including all users in the follower/following buffer; improvements to displaying quoted retweets, as well as the ability to open threads from retweets and an improvement in the way TWBlue sorts tweets from threads in general. Below you can find a list of the latest changes since the previous version.

  • the user autocompletion feature has been completely rewritten to be easier to use, particularly for people with many followers/following users:
    • In the account settings dialog, there’s a button that opens up a new dialog that allows you to “scan” your account in order to add all users from your followers/following list. This process will read your data directly from Twitter and depending in the amount of people you have in your account it might take too many API calls. Please use it with caution. You can, for example, do the process separately for your followers/following people so it will be easier to handle, in case you have a massive amount of people. If TWBlue is unable to complete the scan, you will see an error and will be prompted to try again in 15 minutes, once your API calls have refreshed.
    • It is possible to use the user autocompletion functionality in dialogs where you can select an user, for example when adding or removing someone from a list, or displaying lists for someone.
  • Implemented a new setting, available in the account settings dialog, that allows to hide emojis in twitter usernames.
  • TWBlue should be able to sort conversations in a more logical way. This should make it easier to follow a long thread in Twitter.
  • When opening a thread, TWBlue should be able to load the right conversation if the original tweet from where the thread was loaded was a retweet.
  • TWBlue will restart the Streaming subsystem every time there are changes to followed, muted or blocked users within the application.
  • Fixed error when attempting to mention an user by using the “mention” button in any people buffer. Now tweets should be posted normally.
  • Fixed error when loading other user lists. (#465)
  • Fixed an issue that was making TWBlue to display incorrectly some retweets of quoted tweets.
  • If TWBlue is unable to open a timeline for someone who has blocked you, this will be reported in a dialog. (#485,)
  • Added “find a string in the currently focused buffer” action into Windows 10 and windows 11 keymap. (#476)

For Downloading this version, you can go to the project download page, or perform the update automatically in case you are already using an earlier version of the application. If you want to report a bug, you can do so by mentioning the official TWBlue Twitter account. You can also report bugs through our issue reporting site on GitHub.


TWBlue 2022.2.23 has been released

Today we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of this year’s first version of TWBlue. TWBlue is a piece of software, available for Windows operating systems, that allows interaction with Twitter’s most important features from a convenient interface for screen reader users. The application is available via the project’s download page, and source code can be reviewed on both GitLab and GitHub. If you find the software useful and think it’s worthwhile, consider making a small donation with what you can, and help keep the project going. For more information, you can read the TWBlue page

News in this version

  • We have added Experimental support for templates in the invisible interface. The GUI will remain unchanged for now:
    • Each object (tweet, received direct message, sent direct message and people) has its own template in the settings. You can edit those templates from the account settings dialog, in the new "templates" tab.
    • Every template is composed of the group of variables you want to display for each object. Each variable will start with a dollar sign ($) and cannot contain spaces or special characters. Templates can include arbitrary text that will not be processed. When editing the example templates, you can get an idea of the variables that are available for each object by using the template editing dialog. When you press enter on a variable from the list of available variables, it will be added to the template automatically. When you try to save a template, TWBlue will warn you if the template is incorrectly formatted or if it includes variables that do not exist in the information provided by objects. It is also possible to return to default values from the same dialog when editing a template.
    • TWBlue can display image descriptions within Tweet templates. For that, you can use the $image_description variable in your template.
  • We have restored conversation and threads support powered by Twitter API V2 thanks to a set of improvements we have done in the application, as well as more generous limits to Tweet monthly cap by Twitter.
  • In the Windows 11 Keymap, the default shortcut to open the keystrokes editor is now CTRL+Alt+Windows+K to avoid conflicts with the new global mute microphone shortcut.
  • TWBlue show display properly HTML entities in tweet’s text.
  • TWBlue should no longer load old tweets in buffers.
  • Fixed issue when uploading attachments (images, videos or gif files) while sending tweets or replies.
  • Fixed an error that was making TWBlue to ask for a restart after saving account settings, even if such restart was not required. (#413,)

For Downloading this version, you can go to the project download page, or perform the update automatically in case you are already using an earlier version of the application. If you want to report a bug, you can do so by mentioning the official TWBlue Twitter account. You can also report bugs through our issue reporting site on GitHub.